According to the Observatoire National de la Précarité Énergétique (ONPE), 15% of French people said they suffered from the cold during the winter of 2018 due to poor insulation of the dwelling, technical failures of the heating equipment, or insufficient installation. The Carnet Numérique du Logement (CNL) was thus introduced by the 2015 Energy Transition Law with the aim of limiting the amount of energy consumption and fighting against energy-intensive housing by monitoring and improving the condition of housing from year to year.
In 2017, the Digital Building Transition Plan (PTNB) has appointed several winners, major players in the housing sector (QUALITEL, EDF, etc.), to test this tool and provide initial feedback: 3,000 notebooks have been tested and 150,000 individuals have been made aware of the subject. Following these tests, the CNL was re-established by the ELAN law of 2018, with the aim of bringing together essential housing data on a single digital medium.
The objectives and content of the CNL are as follows:
The entire housing stock would be concerned (furnished or empty, main or secondary residence, caretaker’s dwelling, company housing, etc.), excluding low-rent housing organizations or semi-public companies. This information tool would be managed and financed by the owners of the dwellings to the tune of around ten euros per year but would remain available for consultation and updating by potential tenants. The law also specifies that owners would have the choice between a multitude of online services for the management of their CNL.
At the end of 2019, however, the Conseil d’État issued an unfavorable opinion on the draft decree relating to the establishment of the CNL, as certain legal and administrative points remained to be clarified. In March 2020, the Carnet d’Information du Logement (the new name for the CNL) was reintroduced by the government in a new bill, which could impose the introduction of this Carnet for all new housing construction or renovation work affecting the energy or environmental performance of housing, as of January 2022.
The tbmaestro team, through the constitution of a documentary base at the heritage level and completed for each asset, is already capitalizing on the documents relating to the real estate heritage. The use of the web 3t and myA applications allows us to value and update all these data and to follow their evolution over time. In order to adapt its services, the tbmaestro team, therefore, remains vigilant to any regulatory changes.
Keywords: Essential housing data, digital media, housing stock, energy consumption, energy renovation, etc.
Date of the article: 06/05/20
Editor: Eva DROUET