We are Happy At Work

8 Apr, 2019

What is the Happy At Work label?

The HappyIndex® / AtWork ranking, created by Choose My Company, values companies in which employees are happy to work. Employees are invited to answer an 18-question questionnaire, anonymously, and free of charge for the company. The average number of questions and the recommendation rate are calculated. The participation rate is also taken into account in the final score.

tbmaestro has embarked on the adventure! We are proud to have been labeled Happy Index/ At Work 2019 with a score of 4.53/5 and a recommendation rate of 94%. Last June, we learned about the official French ranking, of which tbmaestro is in 19th place.

 Vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à notre certification dans notre page « L’équipe”.

What do you like the most about this company?

“Human relations (between employees and management). The autonomy I get to have.’’

Vous souhaitez optimiser la gestion de vos actifs ?


Découvrez nos offres adaptées à vos besoins :


  • Audit 360°
  • Schéma directeur immobilier et énergétique
  • Plan plurianuel d’investissement
  • Fiabilité et maintenance
  • Conseil en organisation

Nos dernières actualités

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